Individual plans

The benefits of MediHelp plans
AZURE Local BLUE plan AZURE plan COBALT plan ADMIRAL plan ROYAL plan

Overall maximum limit: 2,000,000 Euro
Coverage: Worldwide (excluding U.S.A.) / Worldwide
Included benefits

Overall maximum limit: 2,000,000 EUR

In-patient (day or night)

Out-patient treatment

Cancer treatment

Transplant services

Advanced imaging

Accidental dental damage to natural teeth up to 500 EUR

Local Ambulance Services

International Emergency Medical Evacuation

Repatriation of Mortal Remains up to 10,000 EUR

Routine Maternity Care (waiting period 12 months) up to 7,500 EUR

Newborn care up to 25,000 EUR

Preventive treatment (waiting period 10 months) up to 500 EUR

Vaccinations up to 200 EUR

Optional: Dental, Optical (waiting period 6 months)

For more information, please download the pdf file

See MEDIHELP plans

Get a quote
Excluded benefits

Out-patient treatment that exceeds the limit of 5,000 EUR/year

All you need to know in one place

Insurance Product Information Document


Application form


Switch application form


Claim form


General Terms and Conditions


GDPR agreement


Welcome letter


MediHelp Payment Card
