New MediHelp Payment Instrument Revolutionizes Health Insurance Benefit Packages

The MediHelp payment card helps customers by simplifying the procedure for accessing insurance, offering the possibility to pay the costs directly to the chosen medical provider.

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MediHelp and AXA Partners with AXA-Global Healthcare Announce a Strategic Partnership

The new private health insurance packages with international coverage, facilitate the ability to access insurance anywhere in the world and with access to AXA- Global Healthcare’s

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Through MediHelp International you have new opportunities in remote diagnosis

During the last years that have past, the medical field became more and more dynamic, providing patients with the chance to benefit from innovating opportunities for diagnosis and treatment.

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MediHelp International private health insurance covers the costs associated with COVID-19 disease

Testing for COVID-19 is not included in the insurance policy, but if the patient has flu symptoms, the costs for his/her diagnosis and treatment should be covered according to the benefits chosen by the patient at the conclusion of the insurance contract with MediHelp International.

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MediHelp International aims to increase sales by 20% in 2020

Beneficiaries of health insurance have the opportunity to schedule a medical consultation with a specialist doctor from anywhere in the world.

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Romanians - increasingly interested in private health services

Since the beginning of 2019, the health insurance market has registered an increase of almost 20%.

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Vaping devices – sources of severe pulmonary diseases

The extended use of electronic smoking devices may result into pulmonary diseases similar to the exposure to toxic gases..

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The Romanians increasingly access private health insurance

MediHelp International provides the companies with health insurance plans for employees, thus helping to reduce the phenomenon of migration from one company to another or employment abroad

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You Can Prevent Your Family from Getting Sick with Only EUR 14 per Day

More and more young people choose to study abroad or enjoy the experience of international camps.

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A family of four can benefit from private health insurance for only 14 Euro per day

Parents can invest a relatively small amount to eliminate the possibility of developing a serious condition, but also the concern for unforeseen expenses.

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MediHelp International supports the IDD Directive and the new international standards in the private insurance industry

One of the main objectives is that all policyholders should be given access to the highest quality services, regardless of the country they are in.

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MediHelp Internațional is committed to promoting education among students

Global Money Week (GMW) is an international event to raise awareness of the importance of education worldwide.

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In 60% of all birth defects, the causes are unknown

The most common congenital malformations are related to neural tube defects that occur when it does not close in the first month of embryonic development.

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MediHelp Internațional prepares innovative insurance products for 2019

Our insurance plans are the most comprehensive due to: the international coverage area, the complex benefits and the generous coverage limit.

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MediHelp continues its international presence-building strategy in 2019

The sustainable development of MediHelp International is based on a consistent business strategy and on investment in team building in all countries where it operates.

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The negative impact of the declining population in Romania is reduced by the private health insurance

Private health insurance plays an important role because it covers many investigations and treatments.

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Romanians must have access to medical services at the highest standards

The private health insurance industry has the role of offering people easy access to preventive medical investigations or complex treatments.

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The increase of competitiveness in the private health insurance industry

The development of technology and the people’s desire to perform as many activities online as possible brings significant changes to the manner of accessing a private health insurance.

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MediHelp International launches the campaign: Do you have a reliable partner for your health?

The purpose of the action is to draw Romanians' attention to the importance of their health status and the investment in the prevention of medical conditions.

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Medical insurance plan – key element in staff motivation

A plan for employees offers them the possibility to benefit from a comprehensive medical insurance including: maternity, emergency medical transfer, evacuation and repatriation.

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Health insurance convinces the Millennial generation to become employed

Due to the globalization process that the Millennials were exposed to, they follow a professional trajectory that is very oriented toward internationalization.

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Private health insurance can increase employee productivity

The main strategy used by managers is to provide private health insurance to the teams they lead in the form of a significant benefit.

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MediHelp International invests in a public information campaign at national level

Info-Health is a national video information platform for health education and promoting a conscious and harmonious lifestyle.

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MediHelp International aligns with the requirements of the medical insurance market in 2018

The company offers private smart-type medical insurance through a complex portfolio of products dedicated to individuals, as well as to companies.

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MediHelp helps raise awareness about lymphoma, during Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Lymphoma can easily spread to other body parts, too, due to the connection between the lymphatic tissue and other tissues and organs.

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Brexit will not affect the coverage of international health insurance plans inside or outside England

MediHelp’s current and future clients, regardless of their country of origin, will have unlimited access to their international health insurance policies.

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During Easter vacation, Romanians request medical assistance from London, Paris, Barcelona or Rome

The most accessed medical services during international vacations include outpatient medical care.

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Medihelp International to enter the Polish health insurance market

On the Polish market MediSky will be providing 3 types of health insurance products, covering health needs from 500.000 euro to 2.500.00 euro.

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In 2016, 90% of health insurance requests were for family healthcare plans

From a great range of medical services, most of the patients needed coverage for outpatient services.

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Business Moms – Why is the international health insurance a must

The most important thing you can do to prevent medical issues is choosing the health insurance plan that suits your needs.

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The `invincible` generation of millennials – Why should health benefits be a top-of-mind interest

For millennials who travel often, the medical risks leading to high expenses are the reason why a health insurance policy is always advisable,

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Generali Romania in partnership with MediHelp International

The private health insurance MediHelp International provides its clients with access to a network of medical clinics worldwide.

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Birth choices in Romania: At home or in a hospital? Public or private? What if complications arise?

Mothers stay, on average, 4 days in hospital after giving birth.

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Fighting against lung cancer on World No Tobacco Day

The costs for cancer care can financially ruin a family.

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The right strike, the wrong strikers

The wrong perception is that the responsibility concerning health issues is in the hands of the state.

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