În fața unei urgențe medicale, fiecare minut poate însemna diferența dintre viață și moarte. Totuși, lipsa unei asigurări medicale private poate transforma un moment critic într-un adevărat coșmar. Când sistemul public este copleșit, iar resursele sunt limitate, pacienții fără acoperire privată se confruntă cu întârzieri fatale, tratamente incomplete sau acces restricționat la cele mai avansate proceduri.
Read moreAi aplicat pentru o asigurare medicală privată dar ți-a fost respinsă solicitarea? Este posibil să nu fii singurul care s-a confruntat cu această situație. Conform unui raport recent publicat de Asociația Națională a Companiilor de Asigurări de Sănătate din România, peste 20% dintre solicitările pentru o asigurare medicală privată sunt respinse.
Read moreAt extraordinary times like this, it is of utmost importance to look after both our physical and mental health.
Read moreHere is some advice that ensures a beautiful, healthy summer for your children and your family.
Read moreAdults who have healthy habits can add up to 10 years to their lifespan.
Read moreThe children’s rushes of blood to the head are represented by a storm of emotions such as anger, furry, disappointment or profound frustration.
Read moreThe Burnout is a syndrome of exhaustion characterized by the feeling of overwhelm, physical and emotional exhaustion, emotional detachment from the children and the feeling that you are an ineffective parent.
Read moreAny condition detected at an early stage is treated much more easily, and the chances of leaving long-term marks on the patient's health decrease significantly.
Read moreHP infection is known and accepted as a major etiologic factor in gastric cancer, being known that at least 90% of these are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.
Read moreCOVID-19 is part of the large coronaviruses family which can cause mild conditions, such as common colds, but also serious diseases such as MERS-covor SARS-cov.
Read morePeople who do not sleep enough are more likely than others to suffer from dementia at old age.
Read moreMost miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks, affecting the manner in which the woman will experience the unpleasant news.
Read moreSigns of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
Read moreThe use of a mobile phone when driving is also called "the new way of driving under the influence of alcohol".
Read moreWith the help of music, the level of stress that babies feel in the hospital environment, which they cannot adapt to, is reduced.
Read moreHalf an hour a day of domestic activities can reduce the risk of developing medical conditions by 20%.
Read moreThe biological clock is in the hypothalamus and is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Read moreSecond Opinion is becoming a more and more spread medical practice which offers patients the possibility to look for a higher certainty level in relation to a certain diagnosis or treatment.
Read moreA pre-existent medical condition represents a medical condition a person was diagnosed with, for which it received medication or was treated.
Read moreSedentary life is extremely dangerous, as in time it leads to a decrease in life quality and triggers the appearance of conditions such as various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression or anxiety, a decrease in muscle mass and obesity.
Read moreBreastfeeding babies for at least one year is the main recommendation that specialist physicians make to mothers.
Read moreWashing your hands before holding the baby into your arms is the most accessible way to avoid the baby’s contact with dangerous organisms.
Read moreFood additives, sugar, colors, preservatives or flavors, they're destroying the diversity of the microflora of the intestine, which will affect the way your body handles the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin or dopamine.
Read moreActions such as jumping, bending, twisting, lifting, climbing or walking are much easier to do after practicing this type of exercises.
Read moreChemical modification of the composition of products by adding sugar, preservatives, flavors or dyes can have negative effects on metabolism.
Read morePeople only invest time and energy in the goals that have a great impact on their lives, so they have to focus on the essential aspects that you so much desire.
Read moreStress hormones released by the brain at such times play an essential role in the adaptation process and make up a complex system that can have a great impact on our lifestyle.
Read moreOur activities are becoming more and more diverse and involve a growing level of courage.
Read moreThe moments spent with the family are some of the happiest moments in our lives, and summer holidays are an opportunity to build memories with loved ones.
Read moreThe decision to skip breakfast will influence us and determine to compensate through snacks or larger amounts of food at the rest of the meals.
Read moreA condition that has been detected at an early stage will be treated with much greater chances of recovery.
Read moreChronic stress significantly affects the normal functioning of the immune system and can degenerate into various diseases and negative effects on the body, such as allergies.
Read moreFrom the point of view of the body suitable functioning, the food we consume has the role of providing resources under the form of nutrients so that all processes should proceed properly.
Read morePrevention, consultation, diagnosis but also treatment and postoperative recovery are covered by private health insurance.
Read moreThe doctor’s advice and counsel for good child care are essential for his harmonious development.
Read moreThe most long-lived people in the world, the Japanese, pay great attention to the health of their body, mind and spirit, equally,
Read moreNowadays, children eat a lot of processed food and the nutritional value of vegetables, fruits or organic foods has dropped significantly,
Read moreThe access to a health plan increases the chances of preventing and diagnosing medical conditions in a timely manner, facilitating: the increase of success rates of treatments, lower expenses, the increase of life quality and duration.
Read moreTo provide employees with a boost of motivation, companies provide health care insurances including a comprehensive package of medical services, including ophthalmic controls.
Read moreThis has given employees the opportunity to condition the employer depending on the health insurance included in the benefit package.
Read moreThe happiness and comfort of the employees are ensured through a pleasant workspace, an organizational culture centered on people and benefits geared towards personal and professional development.
Read more4 out of 10 employees from multinationals face a major corporate restructuring threat, which raises the level of professional uncertainty.
Read moreAn insurance plan covering in particular analyzes and birth-related treatments would meet specific needs and become an important element in balancing work and family life.
Read moreA benefit package must cover the expectations of employees and observe the trends arisen as a reaction to the demands of the labor force, in order to attract the best candidates on the market and secure the loyalty of employees.
Read moreNutritional disorders can develop at any stage of life, but usually, they occur during adolescence or adulthood.
Read moreOral health offers us clues regarding the general state of health, also having direct effects over it.
Read moreThe fragility of children, especially in their first years of life, makes them prone to illnesses and accidents on the playground.
Read moreOften, unexpected events can occur in a person's life which can have effects not only for the individual in question but also for the whole family.
Read moreA varied diet helps build the resistance blocks which reside in our body in the form of antibodies that make up the immune system.
Read moreAnxiety can be accompanied by a series of somatic symptoms characterized by pain, nausea, weakness or dizziness without apparent physical cause.
Read moreResearchers, specialists and patients alike believe that there is a close link between gluten and thyroid disease.
Read moreA healthy lifestyle can not only prolong life but reduce the risk of chronic diseases in the final years.
Read moreSedentarism is characterized by an inactive lifestyle which can lead to weakening and atrophy of the muscles and an increased risk of injuries.
Read moreAn accelerated work pace can favor the development of personality disorders, irritability, low motivation and lack of concentration.
Read moreThe sacrifice of quality to the detriment of quantity can be a fatal choice that will directly affect your health and well-being.
Read moreThe advantages are dementia and hypertension risk reduction, respectively the maintenance of cardiovascular health.
Read moreHealthy eating helps prevent certain medical problems such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Read moreThe prevalence of diabetes is a problem of modern society, which is why disease prevention has become an extremely important issue nowadays.
Read moreIt comes with constant rumination, making one focus solely on distress and negative emotions, headaches, insomnia, overeating and overdrinking.
Read moreUndiagnosed, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be responsible for complications such as depression, social isolation, lifestyle restrictions and increased work absences.
Read moreTechnology is a big part of many aspects of our lives, and many of us have been using it more and more in the process of maintaining our body healthy and fit.
Read moreNon-melanoma or melanoma, skin cancers can be easily treated when diagnosed during the early stage, when the tumour has not yet spread.
Read moreTry to stay well hydrated and replace coffee with green or ginseng tea, in order to stimulate vitality and reduce stress.
Read moreThe most common symptoms for seasonal allergies are the following: sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, watery and itchy eyes, itchy sinuses, throat or ear canals and ear congestion.
Read moreChildren involved in sports activities have a lower obesity risk.
Read moreSpecialists assessed the level of stress hormones which turned out to be higher as the number of friends increased over 300.
Read moreSo you’d better think twice before giving your child antibiotics without asking for a doctor’s advice!
Read moreThe risk of developing colon cancer is influenced by diet and increases in people who consume more animal fats, sugar and alcohol.
Read moreThe benefits in breast cancer prevention disappear rapidly after we stop doing sports
Read moreMake sure the underwriting terms of the plan meet your requirements.
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