Від імені всієї родини MediHelp/MediSky з розбитим серцем я хотів би висловити наш сум і здивування трагедією, що розгортається в Україні. Немає виправдання для таких руйнувань і злочинів! Я вважаю, що ми всі згодні з цим!
Read moreOn behalf of the entire MediHelp family and with a broken heart, I would like to express our sadness and astonishment at the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. There is no justification for such destruction and crimes – I believe we all agree on that.
Read moreWe gave our customers the confidence that the new health risk was covered by our policies. We were the first to do this!
Read moreThe insurance plan you are paying for is possible protection from the slamming doors of a National Health System that can no longer cope.
Read moreMediHelp has become a market leader in Health Insurance and Medical Assistance.
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