The COVID-19 virus pandemic was caused by the coronavirus strain and has changed our everyday behavior tremendously in the past few months. Thought to originate from animals and mutated so to become infectious to human beings (eg. Zoonotic).
People are getting infected by aerosols introduction (microscopic water droplets containing the virus) into their upper respiratory tract either through the mouth or nose which could be spread by cough or sneezing to a distance of up to a meter, that’s why social distancing is so important to decrease the chance of infection.
Coronavirus is very resistant and could stay on various surfaces such as plastic, cloth, wood, and steal even up to four days. A recently published research from Singapore found active viral ingredients on facial protective masks even a week after beginning the study, concluding that facial protective masks should not be worn more than once. The coronavirus is sensitive to hand soap and 70% alcohol solutions which are best being used before taking off our face masks.
Viral concentration, at least in the first few days from infection, is found at the highest percentage in the oral cavity and nose of the patients, which causes spreading to become very simple and contagious. Patients suffering from chronic nose inflammation, such as allergic rhinitis, frequently use local steroids sprays for symptomatic relief which doesn't show an increased risk of infection, though systematic steroid regiment is discouraged for nose and sinus diseases if an alternative treatment could be used because of the chance to decrease immunity, which could increase the probability for infection.
Recent articles have shown that in addition to the frequent known symptoms such as dry cough, difficult breathing, and fever, decreased sense of smell is also being considered one of the first symptoms to appear in the early stage of the disease though the prognostication of this sign is yet to be defined.
In conclusion a few practical tips:
Reference: stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions; Alex W.H Chin et ali.