You are very important for us, therefore MediHelp International provides you the access to critical information for your wellbeing offered by prof. Irinel Popescu, a leader in surgical oncology and liver-related medical procedures.
The over three months since the Covid-19 pandemic (due to the infection with SARS -CoV-2 virus) which also covered Romania, taught us a few things.
It is a new virus, very contagious and aggressive. The name of "super spreader" appeared, finding that one person could make a few hundred others ill. It is considered that they are having a very high viral load, so the number of those they infect can also be very high.
First of all the virus is transmitted by air, from where it reaches the lungs. The transmission is made through droplets, but also through aerosols. The only prevention method is maintaining a proper distance from any other person. The path of ocular contamination has also been proven, with the appearance of acute conjunctivitis.
Some are also talking about a digestive path of contamination, which cannot be ruled out. In fact, long (5-6 min) and repeated hand washing has become one of the most effective weapons in the fight against the disease. Once in the body, the virus first attacks the lungs: directly, by penetrating the cells of the lung epithelium, but also indirectly, by triggering that storm of cytokines which, in turn, attacks the lungs through other mechanisms. At the same time, the cytokine storm attacks the brain, kidneys, heart, etc.
It has been proven that SARS-CoV-2 virus can also induce multiple thrombosis at various levels; it can be both small (micro thrombosis) and large clots (thrombi) and both have a major impact on the function of the tissues and organs in which they occur. Of those infected, about 80% presented light forms and have healed; most gained immunity and some donated plasma to help heal other patients. Approximately 20% (most elderly people with other major conditions) have, however, developed severe forms and among them there has been a significant mortality rate.
Of the drugs used throughout this time that has elapsed since the pandemic began and until now, none have proven to be fully effective and all have side effects. There are high expectations from Remdesivir, but they have not been confirmed yet. One of the most widely used drugs for this period, Plaquenil (Hydroxy chloroquine) has not shown to have convincing beneficial effects, but has shown to have toxic effects. For severe forms, convalescent plasma treatment and all means of modern intensive care have been used, starting with mechanical ventilation and ending with the so-called ECMO, which is an extra-body circulatory system that can supply lung function when mechanical ventilation is not sufficient. In the severe forms, however, mortality was very high, despite such heroic forms of treatment. It is too early to talk about a vaccine, although internationally, a fierce competition has already started between the big companies that want to create it.
The "first wave", as the pandemic attack has been known since the beginning of this year, is slowly beginning to fade out. There are a lot of factors contributing to this, including the temperature rising due to the summer season.
Virtually all governments from the countries affected by the pandemic, have announced relaxation measures. The population was looking forward to them due to the multiple negative effects of the isolation period, both psychologically and, especially, economically.
An alarm signal, however, has already been signaled: where relaxation has occurred too early and where the rules of personal hygiene and social distancing have been violated, new outbreaks of infection have already appeared.
Moreover, enough authorized voices have already announced a second wave in autumn-winter, with the return of the cold season. With this background, there are other voices saying that we will live with this virus for many years to come and that we must get used to this idea.
What to do then: