Fatigue, Jet Lag and Inner Unrest


Fatigue, Jet Lag and Inner Unrest


Jet Lag – sleep disorders when traveling to other time zones

The more time zones are crossed, the more pronounced is the jet lag. It is assumed that it takes one day per crossed time zone (one hour) to get adjusted(to acclimate oneself) to the changed time.

The intensity and the time of light exposure at the destination determine how quickly the traveler gets used to the new time zone. When traveling over up to eight time zones to the east, it helps to go at home a few days before 1-2 hours earlier to bed as usual and get up early in the morning and have more daylight at this time; also at the destination it is recommended to stay out in the morning. On a flight to the west, it helps to stay in the evening longer at light. If you really need to reduce the jet lag, you should also book the departure so that there is enough sleep time (do not get up earlier than unusual). The reduction of stress factors the day before is also important. During the flight you should not sit too long at a time; stand up more often and move (take a few steps and activate the calf muscle pump by repeatedly tapping your toes several times).

A jet lag produces insomnia, daytime fatigue and disturbances in cognitive performance as well as mood swings can occur, in addition to a reduced fitness.
Melatonin is a well-studied drug for the treatment of jet lag. It is an endogenous hormone that is produced in the brain and controls sleep. It is released at dusk and helps to synchronize the day-night rhythm.
Melatonin may also be taken in other sleep disorders 2 mg prolonged-release tablet. Contrary to popular belief that higher doses of melatonin might help even better, studies show that higher doses, as freely available in the US, did not improve sleep time as well as doses between 0.3 to 1 mg melatonin.

Melatonin is considered the drug of choice to treat a jet lag. In order to put the internal clock backwards after West flights, it is recommended to take 0.5 mg melatonin in the second half of the night until the sleep-wake rhythm has adjusted to the local time; at east flights 0.5 to 3 mg is recommended at bedtime, to turn the internal clock further. Eight out of eleven placebo-controlled double-blind studies* showed benefit for travelers after taking melatonin due to reduced jet lag symptoms. However, the studies carried out vary widely in the dose of administered melatonin. Further studies are needed to determine the most appropriate dose and, most importantly, the optimal time to take it.

* a double-blind study is the best evidence giving study design

It should be emphasized that increased tiredness during travel can also arise for other reasons and then melatonin does not necessarily help.
Regardless of the day-night rhythm of the time zones, travel fatigue can also be caused by changes in sleep and meal times or by increased fluid loss (dehydration) and lack of physical activity during prolonged flight.

The combination with melatonin and other substances which may induce sleep, may be useful.

The diet also can contribute to the faster overcoming of the jet lag

West, researchers recommend eating only about two hours before departure, only drinking plenty of water during the flight, and have only after the landing the next meal time on the spot (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). For some travelers, the "Argonne Diet" might work as well: a study with US National Guard troops showed less jet lag by two days of fasting before the trip (the second fasting day is the travel day) and then alternating one day of eating and one-day fasting and so on for a week at the destination.

The first meal at the destination should contain only little amounts of fats that are easily digestible.
No alcohol should be consumed during the flight and, if possible, no coffee should be consumed during a night flight; however, plenty of water should always be consumed.

Internal restlessness and nervousness also promote chronic fatigue

For anxiety, frequent tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) or cardiac arrhythmias, you should consult a doctor and clarify the causes.

  • Home remedies against inner restlessness
    Here too, a better sleep and sport can help. Sport relieves stress hormones very well, but too high intensity (too much stress) in the later evening may cause unaccustomed people to stimulate the circulation in such a way that they may fall worse asleep. It is better that about 3-4 hours before going to bed exercise is not intensively and nothing is eaten.

    Overall, it is good for a better sleep, not to eat late in the evening.

    In the case of late meals, easy digestible food (low-fat and low-fiber diets) should be consumed. For example, fish or low-fat poultry meat with steamed vegetables and a bit wholegrain rice or jacket potato are easily digested, as well as pasta dishes that have low-fat side dishes.
    Nuts, bananas and grapes as well as dark chocolate (with at least 70% cocoa content) count as "nerve food".

    Also, make sure that your intestinal flora remains in a good symbiosis between the beneficial acidifying flora and not too high decaying flora. Serve well salads and fermentable long-chain carbohydrates, such as chicory, salsify, radicchio, endive, asparagus, broccoli, sugar peas, onion and garlic plants and lactic acid fermented foods such as natural yogurt (best the sour type), kefir, pickled cabbage, tempeh, kombucha.
  • Medicinal plants and medicinal herbs - phytotherapeutics or homeopathic remedies against inner restlessness
    Black cohosh can help against nervousness and mood disorders; and it is described an anticonvulsant effect. Passion flower and lavender can help against insomnia and restlessness. Homeopathic complex remedies with passionflower, oats, caffeine and valerian are described as relaxing. The combination with tiger lily and lady's slipper is also described as helpful for slackening. Natural herbal remedies include valerian, lemon balm, chamomile, hawthorn and black nettle. 
  • Breathing exercises against nervousness
    Breathe properly helps against inner restlessness. First take a deep breath and a conscious calm breathing in which you say inwardly "I take a deep breath and I breathe out very slowly".
  • Reduce everyday life stress (deceleration of mad rush and gain mental health)
    Plan specifically how to break the pace of the day and be more often not reachable, because then you consciously relax. If you do not have the time, think about alternative daily routines and analyze where you can omit other things because your health is most important to you.
    Psycho-hygiene is the avoidance of too much negative news (for example from the media) and the learning of serenity.
    "God, give me the serenity to accept things that I can not change, the courage to change things that I can change, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
  • Herbal tea & exercise instead of coffee & sitting
    With restlessness avoid drinks with caffeine, as they can aggravate it. With a cup of herbal tea and a cookie or a small piece of chocolate you will consciously enjoy a short break.
  • Sports & Relaxation exercises
    Relaxation exercises (breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, walks in nature, etc.), warm aromatic baths, relaxing quiet music or quiet nature sounds (forest birdsong, babbling water, etc.) are all helpful in addition to relaxation over the tea time.
    Conversely, a little more exercise and, if necessary, a brief exhaustion (for example, workout on the spinning wheel, punching bag, rope skipping, etc.) can solve an inner turmoil. The proverbial "chopping wood" to relax is often good when you have emotional stress, such as anger or fury. Overall, exercise, such as gardening or sports like jogging, swimming mostly helps well against the inner restlessness.
    With recurring restlessness, herbal teas, relaxation exercises and sports are not necessarily enough; It probably needs a targeted change of lifestyle and certain living conditions. Likewise, a medical examination may be necessary, especially if there are organic or pathological psychological causes. In today's often-troubled societies, conditions are increasing that require therapeutic sedative and anxiolytic antidepressants.
  • Acupuncture and acupressure
    Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) knows from thousands of years of experience acuppoints that can promote relaxation with acupuncture and acupressure. With acupressure as a method of pressure point massage, you can try to promote your own relaxation. However, both variants require several applications before it comes to clearer effects.


    The Acupoint Stomach 36 Zu San Li ("Gate of Divine Equanimity"). The name indicates its psycho-calming effect.

    The point is four fingers wide below the kneecap and a thumb width in the outward direction next to the shin bone beside a small hump of the upper tibia.
    The stimulation of the point regulates the stomach, which is called like the intestine (belly) as well as the mirror of the soul. In this respect, the acupressure treatment is against gastric disorders, feeling of fullness or nausea. However, it can also have a positive effect on tiredness or rapid fatigue as well as irritability and moodiness.

    For tiredness and sleep disorders: the point between the two foot pads is massaged. For tiredness, turn around to the right, for sleep disorders, turn left.


    Overall, a gentle foot massage can lead to relaxation and massages of the neck and back muscles are known to be usually relaxing. In both cases, the masseur should be trained, because quite a few things can be done wrong. Very loose relaxation massages can usually be done with some instructions (there are appropriate books) almost by every life partner.


    Pentru iritabilitate și oboseală, punctul dintre metatarsian, degetul mare și al doilea deget de la picior trebuie apăsat pentru 1-2 minute, iar rezultatul va fi inducerea stării de relaxare.

    For irritability and fatigue, the point between the metatarsal, the big toe and the second toe is pressed for 1-2 minutes to relax.

For nervous or internal agitation: a point on the inside of the forearm is massaged vigorously for 1-2 minutes; the point is about three fingers below the wrist, between the flexor tendons of the fingers
A good night's sleep and stress reduction are certainly the most important arrangements for reducing an inner restlessness, if not caused by psychological illnesses. The other treatments presented above are more likely to be seen as additional procedures.

Prof. Dr. Werner Seebauer is Dean of Studies – Association of German Preventologists, Head of Preventive Medicine Department of Institute of Transcultural Health Sciences (European University Viadrina) and Head of Preventive Medicine – NESA (The New European Surgical Academy). Since 2000, prof. dr. Werner Seebauer worked only in preventive medicine, after ten years spent at the Frankfurt University Hospital. He is also involved in the medical professionals training for nutrition and prevention.
