From the first moment of pregnancy, the bond between a mother and the child she is about to bring into the world becomes indestructible and will connect the two for the rest of their lives. The new mother will become the support for her little baby, and she will help the child learn how to decode the surrounding reality step by step.
It has been proven that breastfeeding has natural properties that no other powdered milk formula possesses. Specialists advise moms to continue breastfeeding the infants for as long as possible so that the little ones receive essential nutrients, enzymes or antioxidants that are easily absorbed by the body of children. With their help, a baby breastfed for at least one year:
Breastfeeding is one of the main elements that creates the ideal developmental framework for a baby. Infants are provided with all the nutrients they need to grow healthy, having a long-term impact. There are studies showing that breastfeeding is a key factor in a person's social adaptation. Furthermore, people who were breastfed for a period of at least one year were found to have a higher quality of life than those who were not.
First of all, breast milk has the capacity to increase the value of a person’s IQ by several points. It contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which play a crucial role in brain development. According to studies, person a breastfed for at least one year has an IQ by 4 points higher than those who were fed for maximum one month. Moreover, it has been remarked that breastfed people have, on the average, more years of schooling and greater financial gains.
Besides, the development of a strong health allows the child to spend more time with the other children, and thus he or she will develop certain social skills that will prove very useful at maturity. The time spent playing will stimulate the child's creativity, empathy, cooperation and communication, all of which being essential for the future adult.
Breastfeeding babies for at least one year is the main recommendation that specialist physicians make to mothers. Their body produces antibodies against all the germs babies can come in contact with, strengthening their immune system. Along with the decision to breastfeed, parents can conclude a private health insurance as soon as the first day of the infants’ life in order to reduce the risks of their developing a health condition or in order to get more control over unpleasant situations.