Gluten - the protein that can influence the predisposition to diabetes


Gluten - the protein that can influence the predisposition to diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes is a problem of modern society, which is why disease prevention has become an extremely important issue nowadays. In Romania, the PREDATORR study, conducted by the Romanian Society for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases in 2016, shows that over 11% of the population suffers from diabetes.

Disease prevention campaigns have inspired research to determine the effects of gluten on the body. Thus, different opinions have been formed on this subject. On the one hand, there are supporters of the Harvard University study, presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention / Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health 2017 Scientific Sessions ( ) that support gluten consumption.

The spread of diabetes has helped to promote a campaign that makes a gluten-free diet synonymous with a healthy lifestyle. In response, Harvard researchers have conducted a study for 20 years, showing that low gluten consumption or total renunciation increase long-term exposure to type 2 diabetes by 13%. The results continue to be disputed because of the methods used and the limitations of the research, but specialists recommend to those who aren't showing protein susceptibility or are not suffering from celiac disease to eat gluten.

Although studies are ongoing and final conclusions have not been drawn, it should be noted that giving up certain products has effects on the body. Thus, those who adopt a particular lifestyle must pay attention to the changes that occur, in order to devise a personalized diet plan that contains balanced meals.
