Healthy lifestyle? Take care of your body, mind and spirit!


Healthy lifestyle? Take care of your body, mind and spirit!

A healthy lifestyle requires a particular care of the body and mind, and those who desire such a lifestyle need to pay attention to a few essential rules. The most long-lived people in the world, the Japanese, pay great attention to the health of their body, mind and spirit, equally, by means that were kept and applied throughout centuries.


Medical knowledge has evolved considerably during the last centuries, from the discovery of penicillin to the first methods of treating cancer, but the best treatment for a healthy body remains prevention.

This means both a lifestyle that involves minimum health risks, and the timely discovery of certain affections. Recommended analyses, which are performed regularly, allow the treatment of the disease in its early stage and provide a mental comfort to the patient who knows that its organism functions in normal parameters. Medical insurances offered by companies in the industry support a healthy lifestyle through prevention, including in health insurance packages the possibility of undergoing usual tests.


The main method in which you can offer your body the needed resources is through your diet. Diseases develop in an acid environment, but through an appropriate lifestyle, by consuming fruits and vegetables the acidity can be corrected, maintaining the alkaline media of the organism.

Discoveries in the area of nutrition keep up with the discoveries in the medical system, and one of the superfoods is germs and sprouts. Regardless of their origin, wheat germs or broccoli sprouts are well-known for improving digestion, are extremely rich in minerals and antioxidants.


A healthy body needs to be run by a healthy mind and a relaxed spirit. The main factor that stands in the way of a healthy lifestyle is the high level of stress in everyday life. Meditation and breathing are relaxation methods borrowed from the Japanese culture, methods through which the spirit and mind become aware of what your body needs and work in harmony with it, eliminating overthinking and worries from daily life.

A healthy mind will be hosted by a healthy body, and the result –the best possible state of mind!
