Tips for the nutrition of healthy children


Tips for the nutrition of healthy children

Children's success and happiness are among the main concerns of parents, this is why there are more and more books on parenting, more and more extracurricular activities to help children perform at school and more and more complex programs to prepare them for a successful future. Nowadays, parents and children alike have busy schedules and a strict program dictating them every minute of the day. In order to cope with daily pressure, they must have a strong immune system, ensured through a balanced diet, they must benefit from top medical services available through a private health insurance, and must not neglect the age-appropriate sleep times. All this sums up the main concern of parents: children's health.

Illness among family members is a problem that can be prevented by:

  • balanced nutrition
  • coverage through a health insurance to guarantee quality medical services
  • spending time within the family
  • practicing sport
  • cutting down the time spent in front of screens
  • effective and open communication

Childhood and adolescence are two periods of emotional, behavioral, cognitive and physical changes. Rapid dynamics make them vulnerable, which is why optimal nutrition plays a fundamental role in raising and developing children. Although a person's diet is changing over the course of life, childhood habits and patterns will affect those from the adulthood, equally affecting the health during adulthood.

Tips for a healthy diet:
1. Daily consumption of all 4 major food categories:
  1. Vegetables and fruits, different colors and textures
  2. Bread and cereals
  3. Milk and dairy or suitable alternative products
  4. Lean meat, eggs, seeds, nuts and crustaceans
2. Follow the 3 main meals per day and healthy snacks rule
3. Drink the essential amount of water every day
4. Choose foods that:
  1. have a low fat content, especially saturated fat
  2. do not contain much saccharin
  3. do not contain a large amount of salt
Prepare homemade food within the family, instead of ordering it

Nowadays, children eat a lot of processed food and the nutritional value of vegetables, fruits or organic foods has dropped significantly, which is why parents' responsibility has become extremely high. The goal of having healthy, happy and future-prepared children can be achieved through a series of specific but complex measures.
