From golf promoter to 600 lives insured in MediHelp


From golf promoter to 600 lives insured in MediHelp

Interview with Florentina Fășie
1. How do you present yourself in one sentence?

I am Florentina Fășie, international private medical insurance specialist, economic studies graduate, with 12 years experience in sales, sales management and business development, an ambitious person, devoted, creative, positive, with high attention to details.

2. Tell us the story of your career!

Important business decisions are taken on the golf  course.

I don`t know how frequent this happens in Romania, but, in my case, Golf was a lucky star, representing the ”first benefits package that I sold” and becoming the first step into my „Sales Specialist” career. Seven years later I really had the pleasure to honor the invitation of an International Health Insurance Company, on one of the most spectacular golf course - PGA Centenary Course (Gleaneagle, Scotland).

After promoting golf in Romania, it followed subscriptions to business publications, concierge services, and the international health insurance plans, that I am now promoting.

The last 8 years in MediHelp, the leading provider of international private medical insurance, offered me the possibility to develop different projects, from recruiting, training and management to effective product selling.

Even if the insurance field is about legislation, formalities, contracts, processes, procedures, terms and conditions, you discover professionals, people, collaborations, cases, and solutions.

My career is about the people I met in this period, the team that is behind a quality service and the individuals that are looking for solutions for the most important aspect in life: HEALTH!

3. Which are the benefits, but above all, the challenges that a sales professional has?

I consider that the most important benefit is the professional and personal development. Sales is a dynamic activity, which challenges you from all points of view. On the sales meetings ”stage” you are always in new circumstances, you face different perspectives, and it is necessary that you communicate according to the case.

4. Which are the most important 3 lessons that you have learned until now?

If you will get involved constructively, you will be persevering and professional, and you manage to enjoy each experience, you cannot leave Sales.

5. Do you remember the first sale?

Obviously, I remember all the efforts. I am happy that those clients are insured members at MediHelp even today. They are business entrepreneurs who have accessed medical services at high standards, outside Romania, being covered by their policy.

6. Tell us about your sales performances that made you proud.

The 600 lives that I insured in the last 8 years in MediHelp, the sales unit office that I created, the independent and professional team that I organized and the fact that I was part of the team that created the best health product in the market: MediHelp International Plans.

Even the 100 cards with golf lessons that I managed to sell as a ”Junior in Sales”, on the Romanian market, where this sport it seemed from another world.

7. In what project you are involved in this moment?

I am now a Partner of MediHelp, I administrate an important percentage from the company clients portfolio.

My objective is to generate a positive impact on the international health insurance field, where MediHelp International is a leader, to bring solutions to those who are interested, and to change the perspective for those who don’t have this as a priority.

The next step is to ensure 1,000 lives.

8. Why is Health Insurance such an attractive subject for you?

After you have experienced the joy of seeing your customer recover from an illness with the private care he got, in a top medical facility, and he tells you that this is thanks to the insurance plan which enabled him to access this high standard care, you know that you are in the right profession.
