MediHelp International runs during April – June 2018 a public information campaign on private health insurance and its importance in maintaining a healthy life. This information will be available in the waiting rooms of 300 clinics, clinics and hospitals across the country through the Info-Health Video Communication Platform.
Private health insurance through MediHelp International encompasses accessible health services both through the Health Insurance Fund and through medical subscriptions, being much more than just a travel insurance or an European health card.
Payment of the insurance premium provides access to medical services at the highest standards in private clinics and hospitals in Romania and abroad, including: consultations, investigations, imaging, hospitalizations, surgeries and births.
”MediHelp International provides direct settlement for a range of medical services across a network of over 425,000 clinics and private hospitals around the world. Standard health insurance costs 440 lei per month for an adult aged 40-44 years or 310 lei per month for children and adolescents up to 17 years old. For this insurance plan, the amount of covered medical services is 1,200,000 euros per year.”, said Elena Petrof, Marketing Director, MediHelp International.
The many benefits of a health insurance through MediHelp International include access to prestigious clinics in the country or abroad such as: Great Ormond Street (UK); AKH, Döbling, Goldenes Kreuz, Graz Ragnitz (Austria); Pitié - Salpêtrière, Pasteur Clinic (France); Acibadem, Anadolu, Liv Hospital (Turkey); Novara Surgery Center (Italy); Charite, Bogenhausen Hospital (Germany); Hadassah Hospital (Israel).
It also provides access to medical services, such as: multidisciplinary consultations, laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests (eg EKG), imaging (NMR, CT, PET scanning), physiotherapy and chronic illness. At the same time, hospitalization and surgical interventions, including complications and treatments for aggressive diseases such as: cancer, organ, tissues or cells transplant are covered, within the scope of the chosen plan.
As regards childbirth and care for children, health insurance is accessible from the first day of life and also covers congenital and hereditary conditions.
„In view of the poor state of health care system in Romania, health insurance with national and international coverage provides each family with financial security and access to quality medical services when needed. We believe that Romanian patients need accurate information about private health insurance and we are glad to support this public information campaign.” said Ovidiu Brazdău, Info-Health Managing Partner.
The benefits of private health insurance offered by MediHelp International are reflected in the possibility offered to the insured to deal with renowned clinics and hospitals where state-of-the-art medical technology is used, even if treatments and surgeries can generate significant costs.
If in Romania, for a liver transplant, the cost can reach 40,000 €, in Germany it is 120,000 €. Services covered by private insurance include 15 nights of hospitalization including donor and donation interventions, and all associated costs (accommodation, operating room costs, anesthesia, intensive care, bandages, equipment, drugs).
The cost of a herniated disc surgery in a private clinic in Romania can be 1,300 €, in Austria this is 10,000 €. The services covered are 1-2 nights of hospitalization, all associated costs (accommodation, operating room costs, anesthesia, intensive care, bandages, equipment, drugs, specialists) and rehabilitation.
The price of a normal birth in a private clinic in Romania can be 1,300 €, and in Austria even 5,000 €. An insurance policy covers: hospitalization fees for 2-3 nights, obstetrician and midwife fees, pre and postnatal care for up to 7 days for the child.
In the case of cancer treatment in Romania, the costs can reach up to 10,000 € and in Turkey up to 70,000 €. In this situation, private insurance covers: consultations, investigations, second medical opinion, associated treatments, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and medicines.
MediHelpvInternational is the leading private health insurance company with international coverage in Central and Eastern Europe, and has been on the market for over 15 years. With representations in Romania, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria, MediHelp successfully combines international health insurance with healthcare for the benefit of its clients.
Info-Health is a national video information platform for health education and promoting a conscious and harmonious lifestyle. The educational platform is made up of over 300 LCD screens located in waiting rooms of medical clinics and hospitals in 90 cities in Romania.