According to the primary assistance report drawn up by the National Health Insurance Fund, more than 17 mil. Romanians are registered on the lists of family doctors (77,02 % of the country’s population in 2015). Among them, 85,80 % live in the urban environment and 65,64 % in the rural environment. According to the same report, a little over 20% of Romanians have benefitted from the services included in the minimal medical service package received from the government.
Keeping this context in mind, the private health insurance industry has the role of offering people easy access to preventive medical investigations or complex treatments based on the latest technological discoveries in the field. Therefore, the private medical insurance comes to the aid of the approximately 80% of Romanians for whom the mandatory insurance has not offered them the services they needed.
“It is important to mention the fact that a private health insurance includes the medical services that are accessible through the National Health Insurance Fund and through medical subscriptions, being much more than a simple travel insurance or a European health card. In the case of a health insurance with international coverage obtained through MediHelp International, a direct settlement is made for a series of services, in a network made up of more than 425.000 private clinics and hospitals around the world, ” states Elena Ciobanu, Operational Manager of MediHelp International.
Moreover, private medical insurance for Romanians must be conceived so as to give the opportunity for each person to access an individual health insurance or a plan that is suitable for their family. Since access to medical services at the highest standard is vital, the insured person has the possibility to choose the plan that is adequate for their needs, being able to invest in the prevention or treatment of the health problems they are dealing with.
“We strongly believe in the fact that a person’s health insurance represents the basic condition for having a fulfilled life, which is why we have created a series of flexible health insurance plans, adapted to needs we have identified on the market. Thus, a standard health insurance costs 440 RON a month for an adult aged between 40-44 or 310 RON a month for children and adolescents under the age of 17; children may be insured from their very first days of life. For this insurance plan, the value of the covered medical services is 1.200.000 euros a year,” adds Elena Ciobanu, Operational Manager of MediHelp International.
Therefore, it is necessary for the private health insurance industry to adapt to the needs identified on the market, so that it allows a large number of people to benefit from the medical care they need.