Are you an anxious person? Find out how your health is affected


Are you an anxious person? Find out how your health is affected

Anxiety - a natural reaction to modern life, with physical and psychological effects. In the short term, this state is the awareness of an intense situation that prepares a person for a specific and significant action, be it a presentation, an interview or a TV appearance. This reaction is triggered by the amygdala - the central element of the fear sensation -through neurotransmitters that drive the electrical impulse to the sympathetic nervous system.

Physical response to an emotional situation can be controlled and overcome, but chronic anxiety has devastating health effects. According to the World Health Organization, 27% of the adult population had at least one series of mental disorders in the last year, representing 83 million people affected. Anxiety can be accompanied by a series of somatic symptoms characterized by pain, nausea, weakness or dizziness without apparent physical cause.

Cataloging daily manifestation is, therefore, extremely important, just as the recognition of the symptoms that identify the state of anxiety:

  • nervousness, irritability, agitation
  • sleep problems, fatigue
  • Concentration problems

Alongside these long-term problems, manifestations of the same state are:

  • feeling of danger
  • tremors, dizziness, weakness
  • difficulty in breathing
  • excessive sweating
  • feeling cold or overheating
  • numbness or tingling in the hands
  • palpitations
  • chest pain
  • hyperventilation

At the European Union level, about 20 billion euros represent the cost of having to deal with stress at work. Moreover, it is estimated that a stressful working environment costs employers 500 billion dollars in productivity loss each year.

Anxiety disorders can be overcome, but the treatment needs long-term measures. Also, along with the anxiety diagnosis, tests should be carried out to validate the absence of other diseases that manifest themselves in the same symptoms. For the beneficiaries of private health insurance, the care of medical expenses will belong to the insurers, contributing to the reduction of another stress factor and allowing the patient to focus on recovery.


