Physical condition has become a pillar in defining a good health condition, that is why food, which has a direct impact on the physical body, receives an increasing attention from people. Observing the meals of a day and the amount of physical effort we make determines the weight we have or long for.
Nutrition is an essential component of our health. The benefits of the right habits in relation to what we eat are huge, so we need to avoid foods of low nutritional value that affect us from several points of view. It is important to note that what we consume represents the fuel on which the body functions. Each food has a specific nutritional value and a different impact on body processes.
Weight is one of the most noticeable effects of eating. The increasing amount of calories of the food we eat, which has low nutritional value, contributes massively to our weight gain. A nutrition containing many refined carbohydrates such as flour and all products containing it (bread, pasta, pastry, pretzels, etc.) or other artificially processed foods significantly affects health because it generates an imbalance of weight.
The responsibilities we have impose an alert rhythm, turning time into an increasingly precious resource. This is one of the reasons why we are tempted to go over the morning food, hoping at the same time that we will lose the weight we consider extra.
The body needs energy when we wake up, because the level of vitality that we have right after sleep is low. Breakfast is the way we give the body the necessary vitamins, minerals and the rest of the nutrients in order to start the day full of energy. The advice of nutritionists is that breakfast should contain about 30% of the total calories of the recommended daily dose, and the rest of the meals to be lower in consistency with the approaching of the sleeping time.
Sometimes, our actions can have the opposite result of what we want, and this is particularly true in the case of breakfast. Breakfast has the ability to bring balance for the rest of the day. The decision to skip breakfast will influence us and determine to compensate through snacks or larger amounts of food at the rest of the meals. This is harmful and can lead to accumulation of body fat. Various studies have shown that people who do not skip the first meal of the day have a lower weight than those who choose not to eat in the mornin.
Simply having breakfast is not enough to keep our weight under control. Equally important are the foods we choose. Coffee, eggs, oats, chia seeds, walnuts, green tea, fruit, yogurt or flax seed have beneficial effects for the body. They provide the necessary resources to replenish our energy reserves, which will lead to the burning of extra calories. At the same time, because we do not feel hungry, we reduce the risk of being tempted to consume foods with a high caloric intake, which can lead to the extra pounds, but also certain diseases such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure.