The quality of life is influenced by a variety of factors, from the lifestyle to the inheritance of genes that predispose a person to certain genetic diseases. Choices such as eating, smoking or playing a sport play a fundamental role in how the body copes with the challenges of time. All these factors also have an impact on the biological clock, which is in the hypothalamus and is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Composed of 20,000 neurons, this nucleus has the role of controlling and coordinating the biological clocks of the body. Almost every tissue or organ has its own biological clock, which is the body’s innate mechanism of synchronization. Biological clocks help form circadian rhythms. The circadian rhythm involves the physical, mental and behavioural changes in an organism, these changes following a daily cycle of 24 hours. An example is how an organism reacts to the light-dark sequence - the night being a rest period and the day one of activity. The role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus is to control all biological clocks and to ensure that they remain synchronized.
The circadian rhythm plays an important role in the sleep-wake cycles, in the release of hormones, it influences the eating habits and the digestion or body temperature. Abnormal circadian rhythms, caused by biological clocks that work faster or slower, can cause chronic medical conditions such as sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder, or seasonal disorders.
The circadian rhythm influences a person's sleep pattern. Adults who have a regular sleep pattern usually have a decrease in energy between 1 pm to 3 pm and 2 am to 4 am. When the brain receives information about the decrease in light intensity, as happens at night, the suprachiasmatic nucleus secretes a greater quantity of melatonin to give the sensation of drowsiness. The medical community expressed numerous concerns regarding the impact that the light of smartphones has on circadian rhythms and their disturbance of sleep patterns.
The biological clock of the body represents a powerful instrument by which the body interprets and interacts with the external stimuli.
A private health insurance is an effective solution that provides access to preventive medical services through which a person avoids the occurrence of serious illnesses, which disrupt both the biological clock and other essential functions of the body.